128 Years of Trust

Tokyo Rope was first born in Azabu, Tokyo in 1887, right as Japan was striving towards modernization. The enthusiasm of the company's founder, Masakuni Yamada, was encouraged by leaders of the business world responsible for driving modernization in Japan, namely On Watanabe, Takashi Masuda and Eiichi Shibusawa, providing Yamada with the impetus to start the first Manila hemp rope manufacturing company in the East.
The company advanced into the production of wire rope in 1898, 11 years after it was founded. After that, the company worked hard to expand sales channels for and improve technology of rope products in areas such as coal mining, marine transportation and munitions while weathering exposure to the boom and bust cycles of the times to firmly establish itself as an essential company in the modernization of Japan.
Following WWII, Tokyo Rope forged ahead of other companies in recovering business by contributing to the rapid post-war growth of the economy in various manners such as providing rope and wire for large dam construction projects and long-span bridges, such as the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, as well as starting production of steel tire cords and other products.
Tokyo Rope will continue to ceaselessly make great efforts for management innovation and technical development in order to continue being a company that has maintained the trust of our customers for more than 120 years since the founding of our company.
No. 1 Share of the Japanese Market

As a pioneer of wire rope manufacturing, Tokyo Rope proudly holds the largest share of each corresponding field within Japan. The company holds an approximate 40% share of the wire rope market mostly centered on elevators, construction machinery, fisheries and the steel industry*1, while also enjoying the top share (approx. 30%) of the steel tire cord market mainly focused on independent manufacturers*2.
Additionally, Tokyo Seiko Rope, a group company, manufactures and sells various types of fiber rope, proudly holding the top share of the Japanese market mostly centered on rope for fisheries and land-based uses such as ranger rope.
While continuing to produce products that have found favor with a great number of customers within Japan, Tokyo Rope will also further strengthen our presence in the global market as we grow from "Tokyo Rope of Japan" to "Tokyo Rope of the World."
- From statistics of the Japan Wire Products Association (results of orders received for the fiscal year ending in March 2015).
- Estimated by Tokyo Rope. This figure does not include tire manufacturers who internally produce tire cords.
Accelerated Global Development

Tokyo Rope is actively expanding our business operations overseas based on the strong foundation of our achievements and the trust gained in Japan. Our overseas subsidiaries consist of 10 companies in five countries led by six companies in China, and the company has also established representative offices in Thailand and Kazakhstan.
Use of this network has resulted in the delivery of a great number of overseas orders in recent years.
Bridge cable manufactured by Tokyo Rope has been used in the construction of the Izmit Bay Bridge in Turkey (scheduled for completion in 2016) and the Nhật Tân Bridge in Vietnam (completed in 2015), while our elevator rope has been used in skyscrapers across the globe such as the Shanghai World Financial Center (completed in 2008 with a height of 492 m) and Taipei 101 in Taiwan (completed in 2004 with a height of 509.2 m).
Safety equipment manufactured by Tokyo Rope such as nets to protect against falling rocks was used for roads around the grounds of the Sochi Olympics (held in 2014), and the equipment was highly praised for its technical capabilities in how it both blended in with the scenery and also ensured safety.
Furthermore, the adoption of CFCC continues to expand in North America and Indonesia where it is used for concrete reinforcement and core material of power transmission lines. In the future, Tokyo Rope will accelerate our overseas expansion in response to increased infrastructure demands centered on developing nations in order to firmly establish our company's position as a global supplier.
Total Cable Technology
The Tokyo Rope Group consists of unparalleled rope manufacturers due to the diversity of products carried and the profound technical depth of the companies.
Rope materials do not only consist of steel but the group companies manufacture and sell ropes made of carbon fiber and super fibers, as well as a wide variety of product sizes from those with a diameter exceeding 100 mm to extra-fine wire that is thinner than a human hair. The products are used for a truly wide variety of applications from cranes and ropeways to road safety equipment, silicon wafer cutting and other various applications.
Our group companies not only carry a wide diversity of these types of products but they also handle a great deal of related and derived products for peripheral fields such as terminal equipment, engineering and machinery, while in recent years they have also been making efforts in service fields such as health diagnostics.
The Tokyo Rope Group has proposed the "Pursuit of Total Cable Technology (TCT)" as our mid to long-term corporate vision to utilize our unique strengths as a "comprehensive cable company." By maximizing these strengths, we can challenge ourselves to leap forward to the next stage in our corporate development in which we serve as a global unique competitive supplier that is capable of a wide range of responses to the needs of our customers who are expected to become even more diverse, sophisticated and globally minded.
Technical Skills for Security and Trust

Without a doubt, it is our advanced technical skills that have served as the impetus for the prior development of Tokyo Rope and that will also function as one foundation supporting our future growth. At first, we boldly took on the challenge of wire rope manufacturing in a manner that some considered as "reckless" but the pioneer spirit that we gained from that experience has been continuously passed down among each generation of our employees to serve as the source for our desire to create and produce a wide variety of unique and innovative products.
Tokyo Rope has continuously created products corresponding to the confidence that our customers have constantly placed in our company such as the development, long ago, of locked coil rope (1939) and in-house production of cemented carbide dies (1946), later followed by the introduction of parallel wire strands (PWS) (1967), and the development of rope for use with the world's fastest elevator (2004). The creation of such products demonstrates how Tokyo Rope provides support for a social infrastructure that allows people to live in safety and with peace of mind.
Still not completely satisfied with our current status, Tokyo Rope plans to form linkages with other research organizations while also pressing forward with research and development focusing on future prospective business opportunities in order to develop highly functional high value-added products that will create a firm position for Tokyo Rope from which we can take on the intensifying global competition.