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Corporate Profile

Corporate Name TOKYO ROPE MFG. CO., LTD.
Date of Establishment April 1, 1887
Head Office 2-37-28 Eitai, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8306
Capital 1,000 million yen
Representative President Hideyuki Harada
Description of Business Manufacturing and sales of wire rope, steel cord, Carbon Fiber Composite Cable (CFCC): design and construction of road safety devices such as rock fall prevention net, environment protection products such as sound insulation walls, and bridges and cable-suspended bridges: manufacturing and sales of various industrial machinery and metal fiber
Offices and Facilities Sapporo Branch, Morioka Branch, Sendai Branch, Nagoya Branch, Osaka Branch, Kyushu Branch
Tsuchiura Plant, Sakai Plant
Bangkok Office

Offices and Facilities

Stock Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange 1st Section
Net Sales 64,231 million yen (FY2023, Consolidated)
Ordinary Income 4,753 million yen (FY2023, Consolidated)
Current Net Income 2,040 million yen (FY2023, Consolidated)
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